
All staff receive on-site induction training.

The company policy is to provide a safe working environment for our employees, our clients and our clients staff.We do this by identifying, and being aware of, the possible risks which cannot be eliminated and eliminating the risks that can.

Our commitment to training and employee development has been recognised at the Irish Contract Cleaning   Association Awards, where we won the Training Award and the UK's 3M Awards. 

  • All staff receive in-house training and on-site induction training prior to commencement of employment which brings to their attention their requirements under our Health & Safety Policy. 
  • Health and Safety is a company priority, all staff receive on-going training.                      . 
  • New employees are selected on the basis of their training and experience. During training they are appraised of the company's Quality Policy, Health and Safety Policy, objectives and working procedures before carrying out unsupervised work. 
  • Training needs are evaluated and appropriate training programmes are implimented.
  • Training is discussed as a part of the agenda for Management Review meetings. This training covers the following twelve months. The effectiveness of the training for the last twelve months is also discussed at these meetings.
  • Training is delivered using a mix of our inhouse qualified trainers and outsoursed through approved training partners.