CagneyContract Cleaning are accredited to ISO 45001 and members of NISO (National Irish Safety Organisation)
Company Objectives
Identification of hazards and their minimization and elimination where possible.
Creation and maintenance of practical and safe working systems.
Consultation with staff on health and safety matters.
Provision and maintenance of safe plant, equipment and vehicles.
Prevention of injuries, accidents and incidents of ill health.
Ensuring that all staff are competent to carry out their assigned tasks.
Control of Health and Safety risks.
Ensuring safe handling and use of substances.
Continuous improvement in the management of
health and safety within the company as well as health and safety performance of staff.
Dedicated Health & Safety Officer
Train the Trainer - National University of Ireland
BICSc Assessor Course – British Institute of Cleaning Sciences
Induction training prior to commencement of employment
Complete a Health & Safety Questionnaire
Regular Tool Box Talks
Site Log Book - On each Site
Full Site Specification
M.S.D.S on all cleaning materials on site
Full company Health and Safety Statement
Company Quality Statement
Company Training Policy